• Wondering what's next?
  • Lacking energy, focus or flow?
  • Wish your work lit you up, was more connected to a sense of meaning & purpose?

We are here to assist you in the practice and mastery of your creative process, whether applied to specific projects/mediums or to "The big art" * of your life.

Let Go of an Old Story
Create a Vibrant New Venture!

Get To the Point our "just in time" newsletter & AMP Up! 3 Keys for Transformation our gift for signing up.


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We offer creativity support so you can find your flow & go from stuck to streaming!

Please explore our site and reach out when you are ready for some creativity support.

Until then, trust the process & enjoy the ride!

Lisa Kellogg

Pointing the Way to Creativity & Happiness!

* "All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life." -M.C. Richards