Creating Your Ideal Life:
Vision, Map & Move with Lisa Kellogg

A Powerful Approach to Clarifying and Creating Your Ideal Future

  • Are you having trouble defining and/or staying focused on your ideal life vision?
  • Are you puzzled or confused about your future and finding that the confusion is keeping you from moving forward?
  • Are you ready for the next adventure but you're not sure what it is or how to get going with it?

Most of us have heard the message at some point in our life that daydreaming, the wonderful use of our imaginations is a frivolous waste of time. Unfortunately, this erroneous message has had a pervasive clipping effect on our imaginative abilities and thus our lives. Creative visualization, the focused intentful use of our imagination, is in fact, an important, powerful and overlooked skill. When used in conjunction with other self mastery principles and skills it can help to energize and propel you into your ideal life. Using creative visualization along with insights gained through exploring our passions and values can help us to create clear visions of our preferred future.

Vision boards or vision maps will be discussed as a tool to serve as a constant reminder of the ideal vision you want to create, a structure for focusing on and attracting your heart's desires. Lisa will inspire you to exercise your imagination and use the power of creative visualization to enhance your performance, develop an ideal future vision and transform your life.

Success Coach and Founder of Point to Creativity, Lisa Kellogg

has a keen understanding of creative process and life mastery principals. She excels at helping people tap their imaginative capacity, connect to their most important values and vision and build the confidence and courage to breakthrough to new levels of success in both their personal and professional lives. Lisa received coach training through The Coaches Training Institute in 2001, has a fine art degree as well as a Masters in Counseling/ Psychology.

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Lisa Kellogg
Rosendale, NY 12472

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