Pause & Listen: Integrate the Learning
To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg In this Issue
Today's Point: A Perfect Pause What's New?: Goblins to Gratitude 25% Sale & November Classes 2 Last Points: Solar Decathlon & Theory of Fun
A Perfect Pause in the Stream of Work
The Delmarv "alous" kayaking retreat was a much needed break from a very focused period of work. Here’s a picture of us on the return trip with 5 kayaks, our friend Wes, me in the middle and Ed, on the right.

Thanks to a "sweaty moment" decision and the subsequent "seat pant fly" (you may recall from an earlier newsletter), I have been immersed in information (not water) learning new strategies to take my business to a new level. Yes, to walk my talk! Whether you are learning physical maneuvers, like a new rolling technique or new ways of communicating, new processes or new insights about your work, it can be an awkward process and feel disorienting to be in discovery mode.
Fortunately, when you take a break from the exploring and practice and then return, the learning has begun to integrate and you excitedly experience it all pulling together. Yes, those wonderful ah ha moments! I don’t mind diving into a bit of awkwardness to learn something new. Additionally, I consider myself pretty good at putting things in contexts, taking a big picture view. However, sometimes my enthusiasm for learning something new can lead to temporary myopia and a bit of obsessing. I was happily reminded, by going to Delmarva, of the value of pausing to do something completely different in the stream of work. Sometimes a little juxtaposition works well to snap you into a new awareness. The little landing from the "fly" that the paddling retreat provided helped me see more clearly what to adopt, and what to let go of from my recent period of intense learning.
- What have you been exploring, learning, being challenged by?
- Have you taken the time to pause and reflect?
- What helps you tune into your most centered wise self?
- What will you keep and what will you let go?
What's New?
Goblins to Gratitude: 25% off Sale
I hope you had a fun Halloween! From now through Thanksgiving, I am offering 25 % off on all my
coaching packages.
So if you have been on the fence, contemplating some coaching, it would be a great time to go for it. Purchased between now and Thanksgiving and you will save 25 % off of the listed price (not to be combined with any other sale or promotion).
I am offering a complimentary Tele-class on Tues. 11/10
Creativity Innovation & Impact: 3 Keys to AMP Up Your Life
Also a 6 week coaching series starting on 11/17 for more details go to my
coaching classes page.
2 Last Points
Solar Decathlon & Theory of Fun!
Twenty university teams build houses powered completely by solar.
Cheers to these students' collaborations! The video has images of the houses and interviews with the students from the different teams about their designs.
Solar Decathlon
Thought I would end with a little
Theory of Fun.
Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think! Thank you, Lisa
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