Enliven Your Mindset!

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg

In this Issue

Today's Point: Shifting Your Mindset

What's Next?: Creativity Innovation & Impact: AMP Up Your Life & Breakthrough to New Levels of Success, a 1 hr telephone-class

Last Point: September Coaching Series

Shifting Your Mindset

Last issue one of my tips about learning to be with uncertainty was to check your mindset and remember that you can change it. Sometimes this is more challenging than my tip may have implied so, I thought I’d elaborate.

When you are having trouble shifting a negative or limiting mindset to something more resourceful or enlivening, try the following...

First, stop and take a few deep breaths and notice where you are. Acknowledge what you are feeling, listen to yourself. Then ask,

"What do I need to do in order to shift this mindset?"

What works for you to change your frame of mind could be quite different than for someone else. So, listening to yourself is really important.

Take stock without judgment, be a bit of a scientist on your own mind, engage your curiosity. What are you learning simply from becoming more aware?

Feeling stumped? See if you can accept and allow whatever you are feeling rather than resisting it. Ironically trying too hard to get to someplace else can sometimes hold you right where you are.

Consider a willing verses willful approach.

You may have heard the Carl Jung quote "what you resist persists". Think about it, when you resist something you are blocking it, blocking it from moving away from you. Changing your frame of mind or your perspective is really about changing your emotions. One of the best ways to change emotions is to allow them to be, then they can move through and out rather than staying stuck in you from stuffing them.

At times, noticing and accepting for the moment is all that it takes to release and shift your mindset but if that is not enough, you may need to keep exploring.

For more ideas about shifting your mindset you can go to my Free Your Mind webpage.

What's Next?

Creativity Innovation & Impact:
AMP Up Your Life & Breakthrough to
New Levels of Success

Is it time for a change? Are you bored with your work or some other aspect of your life? Tired of struggle, overwhelm and dissatisfaction?

Or, maybe you're ready for the next adventure but you're not sure how or where to go. Do you think it might be time to stretch your limits, to reach a new level?

Learn 3 important keys to accelerate your growth, take imaginative action and breakthrough your current limits.

Lisa will introduce her AMP Up Your Life System, designed to help you create a fulfilling and "fun"filling life.

Tuesday September 8th, 7:30-8:30pm EST

For more information and to register for this tele-class (there is no fee for this class) go to the classes.

Last Point

Creativity Innovation & Impact:
6 Steps to AMP Up Your Life & Breakthrough to New Levels of Success

Lisa will be offering a 6 week Coaching Tele-Series beginning Tues. September 22nd at 7:30pm EST.

This is a series based on the same system introduced in the above 1 hr call. (These calls will be recorded. So, if you cannot attend the class time, you can listen later.)

To find out more about this series, you can listen to the 1 hour tele-class above or go to my website by clicking on Amp Up & Breakthrough.

Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you,

Take Imaginative Action, Accelerate Your Growth, Breakthrough to New Levels of Success!
