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To the Point, Issue #0038 -, In need of a Jumpstart? April 27, 2024 |
HelloNeed a Jumpstart?Or Maybe Some Speedshifting?![]() To the Point A just-in-time newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg
A Little UpdateI hope this update finds you well. Thank you for opening and taking a look. I got ahead of myself, a bit of a cart before the horse with Living the Magic (LTM) Membership. In my immersion to get up and running, I've been absent here & on Social Media. So it's taking a bit to get the word out and get LTM bubbling. Indeed, it's been a soft start. & that's ok, I created it partly because I knew it could build slowly and that it was the best way forward given the current contexts of my life. & I wouldn't mind if it could speed up! Thus, to help, I'm offering an incentive for you or someone you know, to get a jumpstart. If you are ready for change & want to build a creative (or health) practice to discover &/or deepen your creative magic, I'd love to have you join me. By May 1st, use Code:Jumpstart with a Capital J, for free access at Living the Magic Inner Haven Membership Must use by May 1st for 6 Months free.
Even if this isn't a fit or the right time for you, I could use your help, please share it with others, including the code. Thanks so much!
Tech Questions or CuriousI'm offering a zoom session Tues 4/30/24 at 7 pm EST to answer questions about how it works and what's involved.Hit reply to this email with RSVP and I'll send you the link. If you're reading this because someone shared it with you, and you can't hit reply. I'll be sending it out again on my blog over at Little Haven Or enter "RSVP for Tech Zoom" in Little Haven Contact form & I'll send you the zoom invite. Now, On to Speedshifting...If your not familiar with speedshifting, its driving a standard transmission vehicle without using or pressing in the clutch. I learned to do this from watching one of my elementary school teacher/bus drivers do it regularly because of a very ornery clutch on the big old bus. It was a hoot to use the skill instead of being stranded one time as a 20 Something when my clutch cable broke. You have to feel when the timing is right or you grind the gears.
Sometimes you get it right and sometimes you still grind the gears. And practice helps! So I keep going and appreciate that you are still here. Just a heads up, I hope to be transitioning this newsletter over to a new email platform soon. It will come from the Mail Poet newsletter provider instead of this. I am aiming to have only one site over at Little Haven and let go of Point-to-Creativity.
Any comments, ideas, feedback, other points? Just reply and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear from you. Please share this newsletter with anyone you think may enjoy it. Thank you! In Peace & Gratitude!
Little Haven SessionsSometimes you need a little Haven to return to living your magic.I offer Zoom and other video conferencing sessions as well as, phone sessions, if you're feeling Zoomed out. If you'd like to schedule with me please reach out via phone(845)389-0939 or |
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