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To the Point, Issue #0034 -, What if a year...? January 13, 2023 |
HelloWhat if a Year was 5555 Days or 12?How was your 22 loop aroung the sun?![]() To the Point A just-in-time newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg
What Will the Next 365 Loop Look Like?Today Friday the 13th is lucky for me. My maternal grandmother was born on the Ides of March. I suppose that set the tone for symbolic days typically associated with ominous superstitions or bad luck to be turned on their head. Some fun I shared with my grandparents, I consider it a good part of my story.Why not do things differently, if it makes sense in a birds eye view of your inner landscape... Some beginnings of my "jump the the frame" thinking. A bit slow getting into the new year, I usually need of a post holiday gap... (thus my tardy greeting). I appreciate your patience & being along for the ride as I keep evolving what I am up to, here and over at Little Haven. More on that at the ever evolving heading below... If you have yet to explore year-in-review/looking forward questions, I made up some fun ones for Little Haven blog last week. If interested, you can follow the next
link, once there, scroll down to see the bulleted questions at
22 Loop Around the Sun
Finding Magic WorkshopsAre you feeling unmoored?Can't seem to get your bearings after the tumultuous start of this centuries 20's."Roaring" in quite a different sense than the last century's 20's. When reflecting on the last couple of years, of turbulence, you may find yourself asking, not only "what's next?" but even... What Now? If you are: Forage, fuel & spark your next creative venture. Uncover, revisit, refine your “Why”. Explore, clarify & connect to what's most important to you. Uncover/Discover or Re-discover a sense of Purpose. Find Your Abracadabra! So, you can create Magic & share it! For More information and to register go to
If you're already clear about your goals for the future but feeling challenged to implement them. Haven Habits Workshop may help you develop whatever daily structure would support that happening.
Haven HabitsFor rambunctious riders of life, ready to change and old habit story into a new one? Want a place to practice?
If you'd like to attend a zoom introduction with Q & A to either of these workshops, reply to this email and I'll send options and links next week. The Ever Evolving,What's Next?As a multi-disciplinary creative, one of the challenges of having an abundance of projects and ideas flowing with new ones appearing all the time, is finishing things. (especially in a aimed for time frame) It requires taming an unruly octopus... inevitably some projects fall off altogether, some tangled and paused, others combine and evolve into new directions.What I notice about my 22 loop around the sun. Things I'd wanted to finish but didn't yet; the book(s) I've been working on, my woo commerce shop, to have art up for sale. Many other smaller projects... More importantly, what I'm celebrating: Marketing and sharing my reinvented coaching /counseling practice at Little Haven. I have fun and rewarding new clients. The Haven Habits workshop ran successfully in May with more to come. I've continued to post weekly art and writing on my Little Haven Blog. And I've pushed through resistance to dip back into social media, more to come... I'm adjusting to living in 2 places, The Little school house home of 30 years with sweetheart, 3 hours from, where for now, I spend most of my time in Vt, working with people providing Little Haven session, making art & helping my awesome Octogenarian Mom. Time is quirky and quarky and so... Hmmm things are sifting and shifting. I've bumped the workshop dates out as I continue to find it challenging to make enough time for marketing that is required to launch these ventures... In the mean time, as I keep moving ahead with those, I am also exploring the idea of creating a subscription based co-work & play space for multidisciplinary creatives who want the support and connection of a cohort with some ongoing creative coaching guidance. What I know so far of what it looks like: An online forum, to stay connected, share process (including magic tap and flow reports). Weekly Q&A with me. Group Meditation and the smoking pen's writing sessions. The idea is to have ongoing support with me and others and have it be more affordable than one on one sessions. Also to be more dynamic in its ongoing nature than the limits of a time bound workshop allow. Stay tuned as it develops...
Best wishes for your 23 Loop around the sun!
Creativity Support &
Missing the Magic?
Lost Your Abracadabra?
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