Sweaty Moment Decisions: Seat-Pant-Fly Adventures

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg at PTC.

In this Issue:

What's New; Getting Started, a tele-class

Today's Point; Sweaty Moments: How do you decide?

New Release; Art, Life, Food: Pot Luck Recipes from Women's Studio Workshop

What's New?

Getting Started!

What’s next in your adventure of getting to your point? Come learn tips to help you get going and keep going with creating your ideal life!

Tuesday June 9th, 7:30-8:30pm EST

Getting Started: A one hour tele-class in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is register and call in at the correct time.

For more information about this tele-class go to the classes page.

What's the Point?

Sweaty Moments and Seat-Pant-Fly

When you see a fork in the road? How many tongs are there? How do you pick a direction? I usually see a mass of tongs and spend an out of scale amount of time “wringing” them to decide which sounds best. Too much time teetering between possible outcomes, not anymore…

After a big "sweaty moment" decision, I am experiencing a seat-pant-fly and having fun with it!

When was the last time you made a "sweaty moment" decision?

What is a "sweaty moment" decision?

It’s one that gives you a surge of energy when you finally say yes! Just before the yes, is the sweaty moment. First the possibility appears, becomes clear, so does the reach it will take. Yikes! Then, tension, a knot in your stomach, at the same time a strong sense of desire, more compelling than "typical wanting". Contraction and expansion, fear and exhilaration seemingly all at once. It is a decision that will stretch you into unknown territory.

Being called to grow, it makes you commit to something important you had been unable to articulate until that moment. A decision that takes courage, a rising heart rate and plentiful perspiration. Once you say yes, you’re surprised by the release of energy. Yeah! A leap, OOOi!

This is a decision you grow from no matter what, the decision itself, is an accomplishment.

Obviously, I am talking about a significant decision here but, it is useful to consider, in general, how we make decisions.

What is your process and how is it working for you? Do you deliberate too much, miss opportunities? Or, are you always in a rush making too many flash decisions, missing red flags only to crash and get stung "ouch"? Or, something else?

If you’re a teetering decision maker, challenge yourself to speed it up. Or, if you are impulsive and crash, maybe it is more courageous to slow it down.

How have you stretched yourself lately?

Oh! More Points!

Book Release and Recommendation:

As a former intern with WSW, Women's Studio Workshop, I am excited to share about the recent publication of Art Life Food: Potluck Recipes from the Women’s Studio Workshop. There are many tasty edible recipes such as Dotty Hammerscmitdt’s Blush Apple Pie and also some fun and well... questionably edible recipes for life.

One of my favorites is from a member of the infamous Binnewater Gang. Vincent Montaigne's Recipe for Reconnoitering the Summit is quite clever and funny. My Sassy Soup: A Flow Potion is also featured under the recipes for life. You can get a sneak preview of that one on my website.

My last point is a request and an offer.

Many non-profit organizations are feeling the slump of the economy as folks check their spending and curtail their giving. Women’s Studio Workshop (WSW) is no exception and is facing layoffs.

In an effort to help, I am offering 15% off on the next 3 months of coaching for clients who become new WSW members or for existing members who renew now for the next year. You must become a member or renew by June 30, 2009 to receive this offer. (Donate and get the 15% discount by June 30th, I will give you a year to take advantage of the 3 months of coaching at 15% savings)

Can't do it by June 30, I will still give a 10% discount for clients who become WSW members after June 30, 2009, as well as, for existing WSW members. Follow this link to find out more about WSW, donate or purchase Art, Life Food. Women's Studio Workshop

Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you, Lisa

Take Imaginative Action, Accelerate Your Growth, Be Your Creative Potential!
