Wishing You All the Best For a Happy 2012!

To the Point, an unexpected newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg
Today's Point: Getting Ready for 2012
What's Next?: Time Travel Adventure
More Points: Are You Playing Enough? Coaching Series & Open House
I spent the turning of the year quietly eating turkey soup with my sweetie and then reading, reflecting and drawing by the fire. Yum! I hope you had a wonderful celebration, whether it was splashy and bright or quiet and warm like mine. I usually have to get a bit beyond the complex energies and emotions of the holidays to be able to complete a useful and clear year end review. How did your year wrap up? Have you acknowledged your efforts separate from your results?
It's easy to lump them together and undervalue the work you did if it didn't precipitate your desired results. When you skip to outlining what's next without acknowledging your efforts, you could miss some important learning, as well as a refreshed perspective and source of energy to keep you moving forward.
I point this out because I know a lot of folks have had a challenging year and have been feeling the weight of a small but dense judge sitting on their shoulder. If you haven't already done a review, here are some reflective questions to stir the process:
- How have things changed for you in the last year?
- What did you do well?
- What’s the most important and or surprising thing you learned?
- What are you proudest of?
- What are you grateful for?
- How have you or will you acknowledge/celebrate your efforts and accomplishments?
When you are ready to move forward here are some
goal setting tips.
And if you want some support and a fun way to explore what's next for you, please consider a...
Time Travel Adventure!
Come play with the Future!
Are you ready for some serious play? Join me for a fun and powerful exercise to help propel you into your preferred future.
We take off from Canaltown Alley, January 15th a morning launch 11am. Return by 1pm but who knows where we'll
Grow Your New Millennium Visions!
Coaching Series:
Amp Up Your Art/Life: Creativity Coaching 2nd and 4th Tues of the month 7-9pm. Begins Tues. Jan. 24th Runs to 3 months, Rosendale, NY. Go to AMP Up
Surviving to Thriving: Success Coaching for Independent-Minded 1st Tues of the Month (note date change) Go to Thriving
For more info link to each or to find all, go to
Coaching Classes
You can also call Lisa at 845-658-9120 or reply to this email for more info or to register.
Are You Playing Enough? Coaching Cafe & Open House
Playing for Resilience: Managing Change & Uncertainty. A short talk followed by Q&A and some sassy snack refreshments and probably a surprise or two ;) Tues 1/31/12 7pm at Canaltown Alley, 402 Main St. Rosendale, NY
For more info go to
Coaching Cafe.
Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think! Thank you, Lisa
Exercise your Imagination, Act on your Passion & Find Fun-fillment!