Quiet Pie?

To the Point, an unexpected newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg
Today's Point: What is in Quiet Pie?
What's Next?: Gearing up for Time Travel
More Points: Coaching Groups & One Crazy 4 am Surprise!
What 's been cooking in my Quiet Pie?
Well, I have had py, pie and pi on my mind. I've been watching the Occupy Wall Street Movement with interest but admit, I have been in a bit of a quiet pie here in Rosendale. Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, most could agree things are not working so well. It seems we need to become more responsive, flexible and participatory with the way we do things and the OWS Movement is (if you look beyond the mainstream media's description of it) without a doubt, about participation. Since, I am a process junkie, I was inspired to learn about the self organizing method of decision making being used. If you are curious, here is a
from mid Oct. explaining the process. On to the next pie... My apologies for being so out of touch. It has been a long silent slow bake... This Quiet Pie is now done! Wondering what was in it that took so long to cook? Fermented mystery fruit, nagging unfinished projects that I had been tolerating; frogs* (tasks you prefer to avoid) and dragons, what one of my clients calls the really big (repeating activity) frogs like bookkeeping. So, I chose to set aside the newsletter to focus on overdue foundation work. Not stone or cement, but office tending, mending, reorganizing. Yes, bookkeeping and accounting dragons too. It is easy to say you don't have time to address those structural issues but neglected, they hobble your efficiency more than you might imagine. Having now reorganized, I have pleasantly reduced what my partner Ed calls, "horizontal surface syndrome" and its accompanying feeling of overwhelm.
I've also created a new less complicated website
Separate from my Point to Creativity site, it should be less confusing to visitors who are trying to find me but may not be looking for information about creativity. Let see... what other ingredients? The work I am doing with Maria Reidelbach has been an exciting adventure and was very busy over the summer in particular. You can find more about that at
Valley of the Giants.
And there has been a bit of experimenting with a new web idea and some other creative work. But, I'll save sharing those until they are further along...
Choices, choices... what to keep and what to let go of? Like a plump food-nut in the kitchen of ideas. There are always more idea fruit to be harvested and baked than will fit in a quiet pie or a batch of sassy soup.
So here are some q's to use to sort it out:
- What have you or can you still harvest from the last season?
- What do you need to say "NO" to, in order to create room for the "YES" you have been yearning for?
- Any frogs, dragons or tolerations to be eaten, raw or baked in your hearth of happenings?
And now for another kind of pi to bring us to Time Travel...
Where will the Wizard be taking you?
The Time Wizard is gearing up again to be your guide...
Come play with the Future!
Are you ready for some serious play? Join me for a fun and powerful exercise to help propel you into your preferred future.
We take off from Canaltown Alley, January 15th a morning launch 11am. Return by 1pm but who knows where we'll
Grow Your New Millennium Visions!
Coaching Series:
Amp Up Your Art: Creativity Coaching 2nd and 4th Tues of the month 7-9pm. Begins Tues. Jan. 24th Runs to 3 months, Rosendale, NY. Go to AMP Up
Surviving to Thriving: Success Coaching for Independent-Minded 3rd Tues of the Month 7-9pm. Begins Feb 21th. Runs 6 months. Rosendale, NY. Go to Thriving
For more info link to each or to find all, go to
Coaching Classes
You can also call Lisa at 845-658-9120 or reply to this email for more info or to register.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did, celebrating with family and enjoying home raised turkey at my brothers' in VT. I thought I'd wrap up with a little bit about finding gratitude in odd places to be in keeping with the Thanksgiving spirit. 4 AM SURPRISE
Apparently Ed was tossing and turning all night but I, the good sleeper that I am, was in a deep slumber when the quiet of 4 am, was interrupted with a crack and crumble that shook the house and sent ceiling plaster falling... Just a week before Thanksgiving, the grand maple tree in the back let go of a huge branch. This surprise wood delivery was so loud it woke a neighbor down the street, as well as, one next door who came to see that we were okay. Once the initial shock of being wakened with such a start wore off, Ed and I were amazed to discover how little damage there was compared to what it could have been. Despite the branches falling and scraping the brick all around and between my office and the bathroom windows and our door, no windows were broken, no kayaks, or cars were damaged. We were concerned about losing the tree but it looks like the rest may, with a little attention, be ok and we will enjoy its gift of firewood.
It is odd to have such an experience, a tree falling on your home bring a sense of gratitude but that is what happened for me. Thank you tree!

*the frog idea comes from Eat that Frog!:21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating by Brian Tracy
Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think! Thank you, Lisa
Exercise your Imagination, Act on your Passion & Find Fun-fillment!