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To the Point, Issue #0017 -- What is she wearing?
February 17, 2011

Oh! It's Time Travel Gear! Are You Ready for a Creative Time Travel Adventure?

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg

Today's Point: Time Travel: Where do you want to go?

What's Next?: This Sat. 2/19 Planting Seeds Conference

More Points: New Coaching Groups!

Where will the Wizard be taking you?

The Time Wizard is gearing up to be your guide...

Come play with the Future!

If you are ready for some serious play, join the Time Wizard for a fun and powerful exercise to help propel you into your preferred future.

We take off from Canaltown Alley, February 27th a morning launch 11 am sharp. Who knows when we'll land...

Planting Seeds: Celebrating Farm to School!

I'll be joining Green Visioneer, Nicci Cagan, this Saturday February 19th for the 2nd annual

Planting Seeds Conference: Celebrating Farm to School at Lifebridge Sanctuary in High Falls, NY. 9-3pm

Come connect, celebrate and share your desires for the future. We will cook, talk, and develop plans and action steps for Farm to School. Everyone is welcome; teachers, parents, chefs, students, administrators, cafeteria workers, food distributors, farmers and others who have a passion or desire to learn about or share Farm to School practices.

Don't miss these appointments!

Grow Your New Millennium Visions!

3 New Monthly Coaching Series:

Amp Up Your Art: Creativity Coaching 4th Tues of the month 7-9pm. Next meeting is Tues. 2/22. If you thought you missed it, its not too late to join us! Runs to June. Accord, NY. Go to AMP Up

What's Next? Discovering the Adventure: Life Purpose Coaching for "20 somethings" 2nd Tues of the Month. Begins March 8th. Runs March to August. Stone Ridge, NY. What's next?

Surviving to Thriving: Success Coaching for Independent-Minded 3rd Tues of the Month 7-9pm. Begins March 15th. Runs March to August. Stone Ridge, NY. Go to Thriving Link to each or to find all three, go to Coaching Classes

Or for more information, call Lisa at 845-658-9120.

Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you,

Exercise your Imagination, Act on your Passion & Find Fun-fillment!

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