Wishing You Peace & Play for 2011!

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg Today's Point: Keep it Simple & Silly!
What's Next?: New Coaching Series! Last Point: Time Travel is coming...
Keep it Simple & Silly!
Life is full! And, I have been having fun playing in the snow, as you can see, from the snow garden that Ed and I made.

So, how is it going? Here's a simple exercise to help you move forward:
On a 0-10 scale, 0 = Yucky Rotten. 10 = Most Awesome & Fantastic! How would you currently rate your your life?
What would you need to do to move up the scale?
How will you be sure to implement that change?
If you have yet to make goals for the year, here are my
What's Next?
Grow Your New Millennium Visions!
3 New Monthly Coaching Series:
Amp Up Your Art: Creativity Coaching 4th Tues of the month 7-9pm. Begins This Tues January 25th. There is still room in it! Runs Jan. to June. Accord, NY. Go to AMP Up
Surviving to Thriving: Success Coaching for Independent-Minded 2nd Tues of the Month 7-9pm. Begins February 8th. Runs February to July. Stone Ridge, NY. Go to Thriving
What's Next? Discovering the Adventure: Life Purpose Coaching for "20 somethings" trying to figure what's next in their life. 3rd Tues of the Month. Begins February 15th. Runs February to July. Stone Ridge, NY. What's next? Link to each or to find all three, go to
Coaching Classes.
Last Point: Silly & Serious
Are you ready for some Time Travel?
Come play with the Future! This event is silly because it is playful and fun! Serious because it is playful and fun and because it is a powerful exercise to help propel you into your preferred future.
Time Travel is coming February 27th with a morning take off at 11 am. Who knows when we'll
Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think! Thank you, Lisa
Exercise Your Imagination, Follow Your Passion, Find Fun-fillment!