The Habit Rabbit is Back!

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg In this Issue
Today's Point: Inhabit a New Habit: 6 Tips to fix a resolution blowout. What's New?: Resolution Blowout Sale 25% off until Feb. 22 & 2 New Services. Last Point: Open House for Coaching Hudson Valley at Canaltown Alley.
Resolution Blowout!
As a time traveler, there are points where you can be surprised by inner and outer dimensional curves, time warps are hazards to be reckoned with occasionally. I found myself caught deep in a time warp tunnel recently. Oh yes, it does happen even to Time Wizards who are well versed in the wormhole dangers of time travel. Fortunately, I was able to extract myself but the rubber on my 2010 wheels wore thin in the process and I had a resolution blowout. What about you? How is it going so far this year?
Not all resolutions are about changing habits but this is the type I address in this issue. Here are 6 tips to help if you have found yourself derailed from a habit you resolved to inhabit for 2010.
- Accept where you are: Be sure you're not beating yourself up. It’s hard to get back on track when you are punishing yourself for having slid into the old groove. Learn from it and let it go!
- Vision connected: Make sure the new habit is situated in your vision for your life not someone else’s idea of how you should be.
- Don't give up: Begin again! Get back with that habit rabbit. (BTW, this rabbits name is Persey, short for Perseverance.)
- Keep it simple & small: One habit at a time and small habit hops work well when you are creating a new habit. Consistency is more important than quantity. You can gradually increase the amount after getting the new groove going. If you are aiming to stop an unwanted habit, see changing habits for other approaches.
- Make it fun: That’s what the Time Wizard metaphor and the habit rabbit are all about. They help me lighten up and play as I strive to achieve my goals.
- Get support: To prevent another wormhole or time warp slide or other loss of focus, use structures (post its, calendars, daily logs) to regularly remind yourself. Go to meetings, classes, groups or hire a coach!
For additional help with changing habits go to
New Grooves.
What's Next?
Resolution Blow Out Sale!
Need to patch the blowout and get back on track? If you have fallen off the resolution rabbit, my blowout sale might be just the nudge you need. 25% off on all coaching packages now right through Valentines until midnight Feb 22, 2010.
Blowout Sale!
New Coaching Services: Buddy Coaching & Couples Coaching
If you could use some coaching but can't afford one on one coaching, find a friend who could use some coaching and I'll coach you both 2 for 1.
Why not work on your life vision together with Couples Coaching! Go to
coaching packages.
Last Point
Open House
I am pleased to be part of a new coaching and consulting collaborative, Coaching Hudson Valley. We are having an Open House on Sunday Feb 28th at the Canaltown Alley in Rosendale, NY. 2-5 pm.
For more info go to
Coaching Hudson Valley
Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think! Thank you, Lisa
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